psst... listen up

Get back in shape after having babies in as little as 15 minutes per day!

This is possible with Refine fitness, our Premier rehab-meets-fitness Membership Experience

Click here to join us now!

[without pain or fear of injury]

Have you struggled to get back into working out again after having kids? (hello: #notimetomyself) 

Which of these is your current situation?

Do you need something quick, efficient, & effective so you can get your workout done in the time it takes you to drive to the gym and back?



Are you ready to exercise again, but know your body's not ready to hop back into the higher-intensity workouts you used to do?


Are you postpartum and struggling with core weakness, vaginal pressure, leaking, pain, or ab separation and not sure what's safe to do? 


Or perhaps you've been trying to do it alone and you want extra accountability, encouragement, and support in your journey to not only reach your goals but EXCEED them?


Click here to join us!

No matter your situation, you're the reason we created our premier rehab-meets-fitness membership experience! This is a solution that will meet you where you're at and support you as you work your way back into activity!

Our premier rehab-meets-fitness membership experience! Here you will find an ongoing support system that helps postpartum women get back in shape and regain strength with workouts you can accomplish in as little as 15 minutes a day!

Refine fitness


Refine Fitness is for the woman who:

  • Needs a short but effective workout that she can fit in during the pockets of life from her own home - yes, even the short time when your babies are napping!šŸ˜„
    PS: if you just eliminate ONE scroll on your phone, you'd have enough time for these workouts!
  • Has no time to feel embarrassed or frustrated about changing her pants because of leaking during a workout, making her ab separation worse, or long workouts that fill-up all of nap-time.
  • Is more concerned about strengthening her body safely and building a strong foundation vs. simply getting a six-pack.
  • Wants to feel more confident, have increased energy, and wants to strengthen her whole body so she can better serve and love those around her.

I want in!

Hannah, member

Hannah, member

Mary, member

Jeni, member

ā€œI love the planned workouts that easily
fit in the pockets of my day. Thereā€™s so
much variety and a huge library of exercises/movements to keep changing things up; plenty of options to customize if you need to modify the movements or if you want to do more as a challenge. As a womenā€™s health PT, Tanya designs the workouts to work well with our core, pelvic floor and hormones, and she gives great queues on how to properly perform each movement. Highly recommend!ā€

Every 8 weeks we release a new calendar of workouts. These include a variety of lifting, HIIT, metabolic, and inner core workouts that can be done in as little as 15 minutes a day! You'll have the variety you need to get the results you desire even in while fitting it in to the pockets of your day!
An on-demand library so you can take them with you wherever you go and never run out of options!

Thorough instruction on proper form and modifications for all ages, fitness levels, and stages in pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond so you can feel confident in how to safely move!
Instructions on how to incorporate he inner core into every single move so you can strengthen your pelvic floor without working harder - allowing you to get results even FASTER!

New Workouts 

Expert-level training from a Doctor of Physical Therapy!



A Private Membership Forum to ask questions and get support so you don't ever have to go at it alone!
Accountability to reach your goals and even exceed them because I'll be there to help you along the way!



Come Join us

When you join today,

you get instant access to:

Jeni, member

ā€œI love the planned workouts that easily fit in the pockets of my day. Thereā€™s so much variety and a huge library of exercises/movements to keep changing things up; plenty of options to customize if you need to modify the movements or if you want to do more as a challenge. As a womenā€™s health PT, Tanya designs the workouts to work well with our core, pelvic floor and hormones, and she gives great queues on how to properly perform each movement. Highly recommend!ā€

"I started the pelvic floor/deep core program and fitness program just after the new year. 3 months later, I've had to buy heavier weights and my clothes fit differently! I found out in the program I had an unknown pelvic tightness problem and was able to fix it. I'm still working on it and maintaining it. Thanks to the program, my low back pain has gotten noticeably better and my anterior pelvic tilt is almost completely gone. Being able to do quick workouts a few times a week has been critical for me. I've never kept up a workout regimen this regularly for this long before. I haven't gotten any injuries thanks to her in-depth explanation and numerous modification options that you don't get with the cheap workouts elsewhere. Highly recommend this investment into yourself!

- Lacey Kern

Coaching Call

Monthly call with Tanya to dive deeper into any questions or concerns.

opportunity to submit questions or topics ahead of time!


Get the bonus

Weekly Q&A

Private group only for Members

weekly check-ins

Q&A time each week with tanya

Get the bonus

$50 value

$125 value

Plus you'll get access to these BONUSES!

On-Demand Workout Library = $350 Value
Online Community = $150 Value
Monthly Teaching/Coaching Call $125 Value
Weekly Q&A Day = $50 Value

But you wonā€™t be paying this at all! It is just a $39/month and you can cancel anytime.
*see below for quarterly & annual discounts*

The Value You'll Receive

Total Value = $675/ Month


If the program isn't right for you, you can easily cancel your membership at any time! We know how frustrating it is to be in a membership that makes it impossible to cancel. (We've all been there, right? šŸ¤Ŗ) You can easily cancel right within the program or email us and we'll do it for you - no hassle or awkward questions asked. šŸ˜‰




+ What am I committing to?

+ Are the workouts pregnancy and diastasis safe?

want something like that?

Lacy, member since 1/23

join now!

The membership is $39/month until you cancel. But you can cancel your membership at any point and you can also join back in at any point. The doors are always open! 

Yes! I built this membership to be fully customizable to all fitness levels and all stages of life. I'll walk you through exactly how to modify it for wherever you're at (yes, even if you have ab separation, leaking, or prolapse!). 

Laura, member!

+ Iā€™m worried Iā€™ll purchase it and not use it. Do you have anything built in for accountability?

Yes, we do! We have a monthly challenge group that will give you prompts each day to get your workouts done! And then we also have a weekly newsletter reminding you of your workouts for the week, plus extra tips to help you keep moving forward!

+ What if I run stuck and have questions?

Refine Fitness has a built-in community where you can ask a question, and Iā€™ll get back to you ASAP! We also have a Q&A day 1x/week, a monthly coaching call, AND a monthly personal check-in with me! On top of that, you can gladly email me at any time, and we will be sure to get back to you within 24 hours to help you out!

+ How do I access the membership?

There are a couple of ways to access the membership. You can log in through our website on a web browser, you can bookmark the log-in site, or you can access it through an app on your phone or mobile device. We have some videos showing you how to navigate the site/app and find both the workout library and the community.

+ How is your program different from other fitness programs out there?

While other fitness programs may have challenging workouts, I give you workouts that are designed with YOU and your postpartum body in mind. My workouts are based on the hundreds of postpartum moms Iā€™ve seen and what they needed to get stronger, heal their core and pelvic floor, and return to the active lifestyle they wanted. These workouts wonā€™t just challenge you; theyā€™re designed to help you HEAL!

Hi, Iā€™m Tanya, and Iā€™ve been working with mamas for the past 10+ years! Iā€™m a mom of 5 myself, and I know how hard it is to not only fit in workouts while taking care of babies and raising little kids, but I also know how daunting it can be to even THINK about ā€œgetting back in shapeā€ again postpartum (PS: I hate that phrase! If you havenā€™t heard it lately, you have a good body AND a good shape already!!) šŸ˜‰

I remember being ā€œreleasedā€ to exercise again after the 6-week appt with my OB and thinkingā€¦but where and how do I even start? I tried running. I tried doing the latest workouts everyone was talking aboutā€¦but it was exhausting slightly embarrassing, and I injured my back in the process!

Hereā€™s what I wish: I wish someone would have told me thatā€¦
1. I had a good body, and it did incredible things! I should honor and be kind to it rather than degrading/shaming it!
2. I would SLOWLY get there, but it wasnā€™t a race, and my body wasnā€™t on a timeline. 
3. It was okay to modify. It was okay that I wasnā€™t as strong or fast as I used to be.
4. The kindest thing I could do for my body was to treat it gentlyā€¦to give it breaks if needed, to strengthen it without killing it, and to be patient with it SO THAT I could eventually do everything I wanted to do.
5. Something is always better than nothing. Flexibility with babies is key, and a workout can still be good even if itā€™s less than 15 minutes and in my pajama pants. šŸ˜‚

After slowly healing my core and pelvic floor, I can do everything I love, from running to HIIT, jumping on the trampoline with my kids, and waterskiing at the lake. It didnā€™t happen overnightā€¦and that was better. By letting my body heal the right way, I was able to truly appreciate all it had done and continues to do.

And nowā€¦I get to help women just like you do the very same thing! For a long time, I didnā€™t think it was worth creating a fitness membership. After all, there are a million programs already out there. But after working with thousands of postpartum women over the past 10 years, I knew it was essential to create something different - something that even the busiest, most tired mom could fit in the small pockets of her day. Something that would hopefully give her a little boost of energy, encouragement, and happy hormones (Thank God for endorphins!), which not only helps HER but also blesses her family!

Yes - itā€™s NOT selfish to take care of you, mama. Youā€™re everything to them, and they need you at your best. So, in the time it takes to do 1 scroll session on Instagram, šŸ˜† you can instead grab your phone right in the middle of your living room and do your 15-minute workout - made exactly for you, in the time it takes to drive to the gym and back. Itā€™s a little gift of kindness for your body that will slowly help strengthen your muscles, heal any issues you might be struggling with postpartum, and give you the ability to get back to doing all the things you loveā€¦maybe even the trampoline park or waterskiing..if thatā€™s your thing. šŸ™‚

I canā€™t wait to cheer you on! Head here to join us today, and letā€™s get your GOOD body moving in the best way possible. 

Hi, Iā€™m Tanya and Iā€™ve been working with mamas for the past 10+ years! Iā€™m a mom of 5
myself and I know how hard it is to not only fit in workouts while taking care of babies
and raising little kids, but I also know how daunting it can be to even THINK about
ā€œgetting back in shapeā€
again postpartum (PS: I hate that phrase! If you havenā€™t heard
it lately, you have a good body AND a good shape already!!) šŸ˜‰

I remember being ā€œreleasedā€ to exercise again after the 6-week appt with my OB
and thinkingā€¦but where and how do I even start? I tried running. I tried doing the latest workouts
everyone was talking aboutā€¦but it was exhausting, slightly embarrassing, and I injured my back in the process!

Hereā€™s what I wish: I wish someone would have told me thatā€¦
1. I had a good body and it had done incredible things! I should honor it and be kind to it rather than degrading/shaming it!
2. I would S.L.O.W.L.Y get there, but it wasnā€™t a race and my body wasnā€™t on a timeline
3. It was ok to modify. It was ok that I wasnā€™t as strong or as fast as I used to be.
4. The kindest thing I could do for my body was to treat it gentlyā€¦to give it breaks if needed, to strengthen it without killing it, and to be patient with it SO THAT I could eventually do all the things I wanted to do.
5. Something is always better than nothing. Flexibility with babies is key, and a workout can still be good even if itā€™s less than 15 minutes and in my pajama pants. šŸ˜‚

After slowly healing my own core and pelvic floor, Iā€™m able to do all the things I love, from running to HIIT to jumping on the trampoline with my kids and waterskiing at the lake. It didnā€™t happen overnightā€¦and that was better. By taking the time to let my body heal the right way, I was able to now truly appreciate all it had done and continues to do.

NowI get to help women just like you do the very same thing! For a long time, I didnā€™t think it was worth creating a fitness membership. After all, there are a million programs already out there. But after working with thousands of postpartum women over the past 10 years, I knew it was essential to create something different - something that even the busiest, most tired mom could fit in the small pockets of her day. Something that would hopefully give her a little boost of energy, encouragement, and happy hormones (Thank God for endorphins!) which not only helps HER but also blesses her family too!

Yes - itā€™s NOT selfish to take care of you, mama. Youā€™re everything to them, and they need you at your best. So in the time it takes to do 1 scroll session on Instagram, šŸ˜† you can instead grab your phone right in the middle of your living room, and do your 15 min workout - made exactly for you, in the time it takes just to drive to the gym and back. Itā€™s a little gift of kindness for your body that will slowly help strengthen your muscles, heal any issues you might be struggling with postpartum, and give you the ability to get back to doing all the things you loveā€¦maybe even the trampoline park or waterskiing..if thatā€™s your thing. šŸ™‚

I canā€™t wait to cheer you on! Join us today and letā€™s get your GOOD body moving in the best way possible. 


join now!