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I’ve learned that a little bit of intentionality goes a long way in accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves. This blog is meant to equip you with just that - simple tips, tricks, advice, and encouragement that help you live an intentional life.
Inspiration for a intentional life
Every so often, it’s fun to share a few things I love in hopes that it might help you, too, if you’re shopping for some comfortable, timeless items to add to your closet. Over the past few years, my closet has taken a hard turn toward quality athleisure, as most of my days are spent […]
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Can I take this burden off of you? There’s nothing wrong with wanting to wear your pre-pregnancy clothes after baby comes. But there’s also an expectation that this is the norm when, in reality, that’s not always the case.Your body has been permanently changed by childbirth – whether you can see it physically or not. […]
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1. Use e-stim or biofeedback – E-stim and biofeedback should NEVER be your primary treatment plan for your pelvic floor. It will NEVER have the same results as appropriate stretches, exercises, and manual therapy. It can be an adjunct but should NOT be the primary treatment. I’ve seen women who have been put on machines […]
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The stories we tell ourselves are powerful. They have the power to heal or to destroy. For example, these stories have the power to destroy: These are common stories I hear all the time. Most likely, some are running through your head right now in one way or another. They may seem harmless. You’re just […]
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1. Rest LONGER than what you think: Rest is truly medicine for your healing postpartum body. Rest comes easier when you’re sore or in pain, but as soon as you start to feel a little better, it’s easy to see the pile of dishes or dirty floors and think, “Well, I better do that!” Or […]
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My TOP SIX components to healing chronic low back pain (sharing all my secrets!) Chronic low back pain certainly isn’t a one-size-fits-all issue, but after treating it for the past 15 years, I have found that some areas need to be addressed in most people. Want more help? Get my FREE E-guide to strengthen your […]
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I have a super fun story for you this week. I saw a patient recently who contacted me for some postpartum help. She had gone to another pelvic PT postpartum who was more local to her (she lives 1.5 hours from me), and though these visits were helpful, she still felt like something was missing. […]
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+ I’ve become comfortable with my body. I don’t analyze it to death or shame it. I’m super grateful for it – not b/c it’s perfect, & not b/c it fits the world standards, but b/c I’m thankful for all it does for me all day. I can get out of bed. I can play […]
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So, I have a not-so-fun story to share today. 😕 Last week, I had a bit of an accident. I was stepping from a dock onto a boat that was on a lift, and I fell. I completely misstepped as I was in a hurry, had my hands full, and ended up right in the […]
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👟 10-15 min walks at breakpoints during my day (in between patients, over lunch, etc). 🏐 During kids’ practices. We live out of town, so sometimes it’s easier not to run back and forth. When that’s the case, I just take along my shoes and get in a walk or head to the gym. ✏️With […]
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POV you walk into PT feeling frazzled. Running to the bathroom every hour at work. Getting up 3x a night to pee. Wearing a pad every day becuase you leak. Feeling overwhelmed. But after just THREE appointments: TRUE story. This patient is real, and her results are NOT unusual.This is, in fact, something I see […]
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The FEAR you have over making a “mistake” with diastasis is actually keeping you from healing. I get it because I work with SO many women who are scared they’ll do something wrong and make their diastasis worse. They’re afraid to lift, exercise, and even do daily tasks like picking up their toddlers or bathing […]
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You’ve probably heard these diastasis ‘rules’—but are they true? Let’s find out! 🤔 1. Planks and crunches are always bad – FALSE. I give crunches and planks to my diastasis patients all the time. The KEY is working with someone who is trained and can show you how to do them well! When they are […]
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“My Dr. made me scared that I couldn’t do core work after my c-section. I’m 6 months postpartum, and I’m afraid to move. When am I okay to begin core work?” This is a question I received this week from an online client. It seems that advice on postpartum exercise often falls into two camps: […]
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I’ve worked with pregnant women for over 17 years and here’s one thing I tell every one of them: In Labor and Delivery, you’re not just a patient you’re a customer. Truth: Many of my patients have at least some ideas of what they want their L&D experience to look like, but when it comes […]
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On Instagram, I shared my 3 ways to stay active through the cold winter months and one of them is appropriate gear! There’s an old saying that goes, “There’s no bad weather, just bad clothing.” Christmas is almost here and it’s a great gift idea to ask for (or get someone) some quality cold-weather gear. […]
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