I believe our bodies are designed to heal, and they let us know when we’re not living well.
When I’m exhausted during the day, my body might be indicating that I need more sleep. If I’m hungry after eating an hour earlier, my body might be indicating that I need more protein. If I feel tired after playing with my kids my body might be indicating that I could use more consistent workouts. And if I’m struggling with pain, my body might be indicating that something’s not well and I should be a little extra kind to it.
The problem is that we ignore the warning signs. We ignore the flashing lights. We think that caffeine, alcohol, a sleeping pill, ibuprofen, a quick diet, or the latest workout program promising fast results are a good enough band-aid to get us to the next day, week, or month.
They just MIGHT solve our problems at the pace we want (we hope).
But fast, temporary band aids almost NEVER solve the bigger problem festering underneath. They might provide some temporary relief, but they will keep us on the hamster wheel of searching for that next quick fix.
Your body is designed to HEAL. You are designed to THRIVE. But are you willing to make the sacrifices necessary to get there?
It’s easy to say yes, but it’s much harder actually to do what’s needed. In a world of quick fixes, it goes against the grain to choose the long road.
But I’m here to tell you that it IS worth it. Keep going. Don’t give up. You are made to do HARD things.