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I’ve learned that a little bit of intentionality goes a long way in accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves. This blog is meant to equip you with just that - simple tips, tricks, advice, and encouragement that help you live an intentional life.
Inspiration for a intentional life
1. Your story deserves to be heard. Sharing your story is a huge step towards healing. We often minimize our stories, thinking they aren’t important. But processing and sharing your story is a necessary step towards getting well. There is not enough time to do this in traditional medicine – we’re rushed through appointments because of […]
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Aging can be beautiful…it can also be hard. And it doesn’t have to define you or your abilities. It doesn’t have to decide who you become or what you are (or aren’t) capable of. I long for realness. Real conversations. Real pictures of what true aging looks like. I want to be the woman who […]
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Thank GOODNESS for progress in Labor and Delivery Positions. While I can’t speak to this in other areas, I have seen improvement over the past 5 years in providers’ willingness to try various L&D positions. Research shows sidelying and on all fours to have the least amount of tearing (roughly ⅔ of women who deliver […]
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I believe our bodies are designed to heal, and they let us know when we’re not living well. When I’m exhausted during the day, my body might be indicating that I need more sleep. If I’m hungry after eating an hour earlier, my body might be indicating that I need more protein. If I feel […]
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Mom #1 has her first baby. She’s always been super active and pretty fit. But she ties much of her identity to her fitness, body, and what she can accomplish. She believes a GOOD workout is at least 45 min long, and she’d honestly rather do a bunch of hard cardio than strength train because […]
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Hot take: if it’s free advice, it will probably not fix your issues…You need to STOP trusting your pelvic floor rehab to someone who’s never actually worked with vaginas. Would you trust your ACL rehab to some online “expert” who’s never rehabbed a knee? When you finished with surgery, how would you feel if the […]
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What matters most when it comes to movement? How often you move? What you do for movement? How long you move? These are all great questions, and to some extent, they all matter or can make a difference in how your body responds to movement. But when I’m working with women, I find that this […]
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POV you walk into PT feeling frazzled. Running to the bathroom every hour at work. Getting up 3x a night to pee. Wearing a pad every day becuase you leak. Feeling overwhelmed. But after just THREE appointments: TRUE story. This patient is real, and her results are NOT unusual.This is, in fact, something I see […]
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The FEAR you have over making a “mistake” with diastasis is actually keeping you from healing. I get it because I work with SO many women who are scared they’ll do something wrong and make their diastasis worse. They’re afraid to lift, exercise, and even do daily tasks like picking up their toddlers or bathing […]
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You’ve probably heard these diastasis ‘rules’—but are they true? Let’s find out! 🤔 1. Planks and crunches are always bad – FALSE. I give crunches and planks to my diastasis patients all the time. The KEY is working with someone who is trained and can show you how to do them well! When they are […]
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1. Your story deserves to be heard. Sharing your story is a huge step towards healing. We often minimize our stories, thinking they aren’t important. But processing and sharing your story is a necessary step towards getting well. There is not enough time to do this in traditional medicine – we’re rushed through appointments because of […]
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Aging can be beautiful…it can also be hard. And it doesn’t have to define you or your abilities. It doesn’t have to decide who you become or what you are (or aren’t) capable of. I long for realness. Real conversations. Real pictures of what true aging looks like. I want to be the woman who […]
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Thank GOODNESS for progress in Labor and Delivery Positions. While I can’t speak to this in other areas, I have seen improvement over the past 5 years in providers’ willingness to try various L&D positions. Research shows sidelying and on all fours to have the least amount of tearing (roughly ⅔ of women who deliver […]
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I believe our bodies are designed to heal, and they let us know when we’re not living well. When I’m exhausted during the day, my body might be indicating that I need more sleep. If I’m hungry after eating an hour earlier, my body might be indicating that I need more protein. If I feel […]
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Mom #1 has her first baby. She’s always been super active and pretty fit. But she ties much of her identity to her fitness, body, and what she can accomplish. She believes a GOOD workout is at least 45 min long, and she’d honestly rather do a bunch of hard cardio than strength train because […]
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Hot take: if it’s free advice, it will probably not fix your issues…You need to STOP trusting your pelvic floor rehab to someone who’s never actually worked with vaginas. Would you trust your ACL rehab to some online “expert” who’s never rehabbed a knee? When you finished with surgery, how would you feel if the […]
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