Online Offerings

There's never been a better time to invest in yourself.

When I started my business and began talking about women’s health issues, specifically incontinence, I heard from a lot of women that they struggled, yet very few were willing to make the effort to do anything about it. 

real talk:

 Women, after all, are typically wearing multiple hats, juggling many balls, and are putting everyone’s needs ahead of their own.

I realized that, though they didn’t enjoy leaking, they had figured out ways to cope with it, and it wasn’t severe enough that they were willing to actually make an appointment to fix it

Thats why I created these online courses!


Pelvic Core Online Training was born! 

This is a 4-week training that is completed online, from the comfort of your own home. All you need is 5-10 min/day to do exercises and about 30 min/week to watch an online lesson. You’ll get tons of education, information, and new exercises each week to begin activating the deep pelvic core muscles correctly and gradually increasing that to daily function.

Learn More

Diastasis 101 Course

Have you been overwhelmed with all the noise around Diastasis? 

Have you struggled to know what you should and shouldn’t do if you have it?

Have you been scared to move because of all the conflicting information?

As a Specialist in women’s health and Doctor of Physical Therapy, I’ve seen hundreds of women with diastasis over the past 10 years and helped women both in-person, virtually, and through my first online course, Pelvic Core. 

Learn More

ready for lifestyle change?

Want to MAKE SURE that you get the MOST value out of your course to not only reach your goals but exceed them?

Join us in Refine Fitness, our exclusive membership experience. It's like having a coach and team to cheer you on in your healing journey, hold you accountable to get the work done and help you with any questions along the way!
The Refine Fitness Membership is your built-in insurance policy to make sure that you FINISH, SUCCEED, and continue to THRIVE!

I'm in

“Before this program I was overwhelmed by the size and extent of my diastasis. It seemed like something that I could never fix so I should just learn to live with it. While it didn’t limit my daily activities or function, I wasn’t doing it any favors with what I was doing. I didn’t know how to perform daily activities and exercises safely. Since taking this course, I feel much less overwhelmed by healing my diastasis. I have the tools I need to safely perform daily movements so not only am I not making my diastasis worse but also improving it every day. Tanya is amazing at explaining things in a way that are understandable and manageable. I took Tanya’s Pelvic Core class and loved the results, I was so excited when she offered this program so I could improve and learn even more. I loved how practical the exercises are for daily movements. My core has been something I have struggled with since having four c-sections and after this program, I feel my core is the strongest it has been since before kids. I have less back pain and my posture has improved. I am so thankful for Tanya and this program!”

- Jodi

- Jodi

Yes, It Really Works

Dr. Sarah

Tanya’s pelvic core class was beneficial on many levels. She walks you through a few exercises each week, building each week to strengthen and build your focus on using the correct muscles. Tanya also gives a lot of additional information on the Facebook group page. You can tell she is very passionate about helping women. I personally noticed changes/strengthening within the first week! As a chiropractor and a mom, this is a class that I will recommend to my patients as well as my mom friends!


I can’t thank you enough for these classes. I have learned SO much so far and my core truly feels stronger and I can tell my back issues are slowly but surely dissolving and can’t recall the last time I leaked even during any kind of biking, volleyball, and weight lifting. This has truly been a game-changer for me and I’m not even fully through. So thank you!!


The course is professionally laid out, but with the added bonus of an instructor who genuinely cares about your progress and you as a person. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who needs help with their pelvic core and desire to be fed truth about the design of their body.


Sharing a bit of my heart, my daily life, and all things women's health.
