
SEVEN sneaky ways I get in movement as a busy working mom

August 29, 2024

I’m Tanya.
I’ve learned that a little bit of intentionality goes a long way in accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves. This blog is meant to equip you with just that - simple tips, tricks, advice, and encouragement that help you live an intentional life. 
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👟 10-15 min walks at breakpoints during my day (in between patients, over lunch, etc).

🏐 During kids’ practices. We live out of town, so sometimes it’s easier not to run back and forth. When that’s the case, I just take along my shoes and get in a walk or head to the gym.

✏️With my kids after school – It’s really easy for after-school time to become screen time, so this year, I’m taking a proactive approach. My kids are allowed 30 min of screen time & a snack; then I want them to go play. If this goes well, I can get my workout in while they play, but sometimes I’ll plan for us to go for a walk or bike ride together, play in the backyard, or jump on the trampoline and we get in movement together!

💛 Planned walk with a friend or my husband to catch-up in the evening/weekend – one of my very favorites when it works!

👱🏼‍♂️ Coordinate with my husband to work out for 30 minutes after work. I think so often, as moms, we think we need to figure it out ourselves. But what if you’d get your spouse involved & say, “This is really important for me to feel well. Could I have 30 minutes kid-free to workout when you’re home?” My hubby knows that if I feel well, it benefits the whole family – so much so that if I’m having a bad day, he encourages me to go b/c he knows I’ll come back feeling better.

⏳Downtime in between events – when there’s not enough time to really accomplish anything! Have 30 mins in between picking up kids and starting dinner? Or 30 mins before a kiddo’s piano lesson? Instead of scrolling, why don’t you move!

🏡Around the house, the yard, the block – steps add up when you’re intentional about them! When I’m intentional, I get in way more steps! It could happen picking up the house, going for a stroll around the block after dinner, or doing some sprints in my backyard for 5-10 mins. The good news – this can all be done with kids – have them join and make it fun!

We’ve got a free workout and weightlifting guide you can get started on today! Be flexible, find pockets of time that work for you and give it a try! Comment 👏🏼, and we’ll send the resource your way!

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