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The Refine Blog

I’ve learned that a little bit of intentionality goes a long way in accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves. This blog is meant to equip you with just that - simple tips, tricks, advice, and encouragement that help you live an intentional life. 

Inspiration for a intentional life


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2024 Swimsuit Roundup

It’s become a bit of a tradition to do a swimsuit round-up each spring, and while I do enjoy finding (and trying) some fun suits to share with you.

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I’m Tanya.
I’ve learned that a little bit of intentionality goes a long way in accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves. This blog is meant to equip you with just that - simple tips, tricks, advice, and encouragement that help you live an intentional life. 
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Gimme that

Lately, I have been living in athleisure every day. I’ve found that as much as I enjoy dressing up, I’m often demonstrating exercises to patients, quick-filming a workout for my Level-Up membership, or putting something together for social media, and I need to be able to move easily. I try to find clothes that still help me look put together while allowing me to transition to mom life or my kids’ games.

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Fitness & PT




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Relationships are the heart and soul of my business, and if you have a question or would like to connect, I’d LOVE to hear from you! Please reach out and I’d love to get to know you better or answer any questions you might have!!

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Sharing a bit of my heart, my daily life, and all things women's health.
