Thank GOODNESS for progress in Labor and Delivery Positions.
While I can’t speak to this in other areas, I have seen improvement over the past 5 years in providers’ willingness to try various L&D positions.
Research shows sidelying and on all fours to have the least amount of tearing (roughly ⅔ of women who deliver in this position didn’t tear! 🙌), while laying on your back had the highest rates of tearing, episiotomy, forceps, and suction delivery, nerve damage, etc.
That being said, I’ve had a few patients who loved pushing on their back and delivered without any tearing! You don’t have to write off any one position, but here’s my advice:
1. Be open to trying various positions
2. Do your research. Hire a doula. And/or work with me 😉 if you want to walk into L&D educated and prepared with ideas to try. Let your provider know ahead of time what you’d like to try so they are aware ahead of time.
3. Never stay in any position for more than 20-30 minutes if you’re not progressing. I’m always SO sad when women tell me they pushed for 2 hours on their back and NEVER tried another position or a different one was not suggested.
4. If you don’t like how a position feels or don’t feel strong there, try something else.
5. Many positions can be achieved even WITH an epidural. You aren’t just stuck on your back if you have an epidural.
💌 I created a checklist of 10 things I’d want every mama to know before Labor and Delivery!
👇🏼If you didn’t tear, what position did you push in? What # baby was it? I’d love to hear!