Can we all agree on something?!↩️
Your body is ALREADY good. You can actually be thankful for your body, celebrate your body, AND also want to see your body BE WELL!
You may feel like weight loss helps you feel well.
You may feel like strengthening your core helps you feel well.
Daily movement or better sleep may help you feel well.
Maybe figuring out what foods fuel your body might help you feel well.
Maybe you feel like not leaking, having vaginal heaviness, or constantly running to the bathroom might help you feel well.
Whatever your goals are, it’s okay to have goals AND celebrate all your body has done for you.
We can desire to see some changes AND be so thankful for our current body and its innate goodness.
I can breathe in and out gratefulness for my body even as I desire to see it stronger.
We can live in the both-and.
So please don’t live in shame. Shame SEEMS like a great motivator, and though it might work temporarily, it’s a big fat liar. It actually wants to keep you enslaved to a hamster wheel of striving.
Choose kindness. Choose gratefulness. Choose to love what God has given you even as you work towards feeling well.
And if you want to work with someone who will only celebrate you and NEVER shame you, I’d LOVE to teach you more about God’s design for your GOOD body, including your core and pelvic floor.
I’m doing a 3-day workshop next week, and you’re invited! It’s completely FREE, and I’ll share with you the first steps towards healing your pelvic floor and inner core.