Physical Therapy

Finding Myself in Your Shoes

September 16, 2024

I’m Tanya.
I’ve learned that a little bit of intentionality goes a long way in accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves. This blog is meant to equip you with just that - simple tips, tricks, advice, and encouragement that help you live an intentional life. 
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So, I have a not-so-fun story to share today. 😕 Last week, I had a bit of an accident. I was stepping from a dock onto a boat that was on a lift, and I fell. I completely misstepped as I was in a hurry, had my hands full, and ended up right in the water, banging my left leg up pretty badly on the way down. The tenderness and bruising are beginning to fade, but my knee is still pretty painful. I’ve had to rest a lot more than normal, I’ve been unable to exercise or even go for a walk, and it’s made even daily tasks difficult. I’ve been very frustrated. I know it will get better, one way or another, but it’s definitely slowed me up and gotten me a little down b/c I love to move. 🙂

And it reminded me of some of you – who struggle with daily back or pelvic pain that makes taking care of your kids difficult. It reminded me of some of you who can’t exercise like you want to because of ab separation, leaking, vaginal pressure, and core weakness. It reminded me of some of you who have trouble getting good sleep at night because of pain, or maybe you’re just up multiple times/night to pee.

However, just like me —you don’t have to live this way! I know my knee is going to get better. If it doesn’t heal on its own soon, I’m definitely going to go in and get this figured out. I refuse to live a life half-way if I can help it. Sometimes, we have health conditions that really get us down, and there’s nothing we can do. This isn’t one of them

If you struggle with any of the things I mentioned above, you do NOT have to live with it! Don’t live halfway. You’re made to move pain-free and live a full life! Make an appointment, grab one of my courses, or join my membership. But refuse to settle. You’re made for more!

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