I wish I could say that we’re having a magical summer, but in all honesty, it’s been a bit hectic! 🤪
But one way I am choosing to find JOY in this season is through naming the things I am grateful for. Here are 5 things I’m grateful for as we wrap up June.
1. Seeing my oldest 3 kids enjoy softball and baseball. I’ve made it to most of their games and they all had fun seasons.
2. Time on the back porch. If you’ve seen a few of my Instagram stories, my back porch is our gathering place in the summer. There’s just something about being outside together that we all love, and if I have a spare moment (aka I decide not to clean up the kitchen and leave the mess), you’ll find me curled up with a book out there.
3. Short quick workouts I can still get in through my Level-Up membership that are perfect for this crazy season!
4. Lots of new babies born recently from my OB package patients! Your babies are always welcome here and once and a while I get to cuddle one while teaching my patients! (great baby fix for this mama who LOVES babies but is done having them). 😉
5. Farm life. While our days are filled with running to various activities, coming back to the farm brings such peace. I love watering my flowers, seeing the kids play together outside, and getting a quiet walk in on the gravel road.
I hope your summer has been filled with blessings amidst the busyness as well! What’s one thing you’re thankful for from this past month? I’d love to hear 💗