“My Dr. made me scared that I couldn’t do core work after my c-section. I’m 6 months postpartum, and I’m afraid to move. When am I okay to begin core work?”
This is a question I received this week from an online client. It seems that advice on postpartum exercise often falls into two camps:
1. You’re 6 weeks PP and cleared to exercise again. There’s NO guidance on how or where to start. “Go for it, and good luck.”
2. You’re given a hefty dose of fear-mongering, which makes you feel like you might break your body if you move wrong. You’re afraid to lift, strength train, do core work, or run.
The problem: there’s often no in-between, so you’re left:
1. Jumping back into what you’ve always done and struggling.
2. Living in fear and doing nothing.
3. Try to Google or YouTube your rehab with whatever free stuff you can find online.
But what if we viewed postpartum rehab like rehab after a severe ankle sprain or a knee injury? What if we saw rehab as an ESSENTIAL and NECESSARY part of the pregnancy/postpartum journey rather than something women ONLY need if they’re having significant problems?
Pelvic PT should be considered ROUTINE care for pregnant and postpartum women. There’s actually a science to helping women safely return to exercise, and there’s A LOT of help we can give women in preventing leaking, diastasis, and prolapse. Just because these are things women have always “put up with” doesn’t mean it’s right. You DESERVE to have guidance that will get you back to doing the things you love, not feeling FEARFUL but instead feeling EMPOWERED.
Even if your doctor doesn’t recommend prenatal or postpartum PT, in many states, you can see a PT without a referral. Almost ALL my patients are self-referred and hear about me word-of-mouth from other women. And if you don’t have time for in-person appointments, my course, Pelvic Core, is your BEST FRIEND for prevention during pregnancy and recovery postpartum.
You don’t have to figure it out alone. You deserve to feel well.
If you’d like info on services available or want to start a conversation about what might be best for your postpartum journey, I’d love to connect with you!