Growth and Pride don’t walk together – If you want to grow in any area of your life, you need to lay down your pride. In my own life, my biggest times of growth have occurred when I laid down my pride:
- Taking a class that is FAR outside of my comfort zone OR taking a class where I THOUGHT I knew what I was doing and actually learned something new that was HUGELY beneficial.
- Sharing my struggles with others – it’s HARD to share our darkness with other people, but we WILL NOT get out of the dark if we don’t bring it to the light. Light cannot overcome darkness, and by sharing our struggles, darkness is released, shame is healed, and victory overcomes.
- Doing deep healing work – We cannot heal what we won’t dig up. Similar to #2, but different in that, we first need to DIG. We need to uproot. We have to stop stuffing down the past, our mistakes, our shame, our pain.
- Asking for help. We will stay stuck if we don’t lay down our pride and ask for others’ help – here are a few examples from my own life:
- Asking for help with childcare because I was drowning
- Paying for a cleaner because there just wasn’t enough time in the day with the other things I’ve been called to.
- Hiring a financial advisor to give us guidance on where our money should go.
- Asking for prayer from trusted friends
- Asking for mentorship from someone who was older and more experienced in life.
- Asking my husband for help because I don’t have to be supermom and we have a healthy marriage where we both serve one another.
- Submitting my needs every day before the Father, including my sin. Allowing His Spirit into the deep places where I’d like to just stuff and try to forget.
You can apply this post in MANY different directions. But if you are struggling (most likely there is something in life that is hard right now) with your:
- Health
- Wellness
- Relationship with God
- Order in your home
- Time management
- Money management
- Anxiousness
…to name a few – I’m going to ask you, where do you need to lay down your pride? Where do you need to ask for help? Even if you think you have all the answers. Even if you don’t think help will benefit you. If you’re struggling, there are a whole bunch of gifted people in the world that have incredible services to help you. There is hopefully one or two people in your life who you can trust will carry your burdens with you (and if not, ask the Father to provide them!). And you have a FAITHFUL GOD who wants to be invited into your every single day, your every detail. Have you thought about asking Him?