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The Refine Blog

I’ve learned that a little bit of intentionality goes a long way in accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves. This blog is meant to equip you with just that - simple tips, tricks, advice, and encouragement that help you live an intentional life. 

Inspiration for a intentional life


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How do you really activate the inner core?

Phrases commonly used when instructing others on how to activate the inner core: Pull the belly button to spine Suck In Tighten your abs This actually can increase pressure and turn off the deep core I know so many of you have heard, used, or taught these cues to encourage core activation during workouts. So […]

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I’m Tanya.
I’ve learned that a little bit of intentionality goes a long way in accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves. This blog is meant to equip you with just that - simple tips, tricks, advice, and encouragement that help you live an intentional life. 
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Gimme that

Have you had this experience: You’re told you have diastasis, given a brace to wear, and then instructed never to do sit-ups or planks again? Unfortunately, this is all too common, and I’ve had several patients with this exact story. There’s a LOT of noise around diastasis and what you can and can’t do. And […]

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Myth Debunked Kegels are not the only pelvic floor exercise. In fact, ANY exercise can be a pelvic floor (and deep core!) exercise when we know how to incorporate our breathing and deep core activation into them. Why is this important? Because the pelvic floor isn’t just a group of muscles that keep you from […]

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Sharing with you today TEN Things you don’t have to settle for: Debilitating pain during pregnancy – when asking a group of pregnant women whether or not they experienced pain during pregnancy, 75% raised their hands and said they had, but very few actually pursue treatment for pain. Most assume that pain in pregnancy is […]

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If you are a female and you’ve had babies, there is a good chance you have either a c-section scar or a perineal scar. A scar does not share the same characteristics of “normal” tissue, and it typically has extra adhesions that can begin attaching themselves to underlying tissue and muscle! This can affect how […]

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Here are a few of my favorite FUNCTIONAL exercises to add to your workouts: Squats w/ toes in – I love this exercise bc squats, in general, are functional, but turning the toes in helps activate our pelvic floor – a win-win for this Pelvic floor PT! Tricep dips – I really like this body-weight […]

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Sharing a bit of my heart, my daily life, and all things women's health.
