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The Refine Blog

I’ve learned that a little bit of intentionality goes a long way in accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves. This blog is meant to equip you with just that - simple tips, tricks, advice, and encouragement that help you live an intentional life. 

Inspiration for a intentional life


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The Top TEN Things I Wish Every Woman Knew

The other day in stories I received this question: What’s the one thing you wish every woman knew? My immediate thought was, “That’s a tough question to narrow down!” So I’m cheating and giving you the top TEN things I wish every woman knew: 🙂 Your body is created GOOD, right now EXACTLY as you […]

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I’m Tanya.
I’ve learned that a little bit of intentionality goes a long way in accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves. This blog is meant to equip you with just that - simple tips, tricks, advice, and encouragement that help you live an intentional life. 
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Myth Debunked Kegels are not the only pelvic floor exercise. In fact, ANY exercise can be a pelvic floor (and deep core!) exercise when we know how to incorporate our breathing and deep core activation into them. Why is this important? Because the pelvic floor isn’t just a group of muscles that keep you from […]

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A tip for living well: Feel your feelings. And test your thoughts. Do you know that your feelings and thoughts affect your physical body? I’ve learned from talking with friends and clients that some of us are great at feeling our feelings…and we get stuck there. Others of us would like to push them down […]

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Here’s my Wednesday QUICK TIP to help your pelvic floor…Stop hovering in public restrooms. “Why is hovering bad? Public restrooms are gross!” Yes, I totally agree, but please hear me out. Hovering is a bad habit because we want our pelvic floor to be RELAXED to fully empty, and it’s nearly impossible to fully relax […]

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A few years ago after I had my 5th (and last) baby, I slowly started weeding through my wardrobe and began making the switch over to more quality clothing. After 9 years of being pregnant, nursing, gaining and then losing weight, I had a lot of clothes in my closet of all varying sizes, and […]

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Sharing with you today TEN Things you don’t have to settle for: Debilitating pain during pregnancy – when asking a group of pregnant women whether or not they experienced pain during pregnancy, 75% raised their hands and said they had, but very few actually pursue treatment for pain. Most assume that pain in pregnancy is […]

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Motherhood Realization: life will always be busy…it’s just that the way busy looks changes through each stage of life. I’m not going to lie – the start of the school year has NOT been what I expected. I expected to get MORE things done. I expected to find relief with 4 kids gone multiple days […]

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Can I let you in on a secret? It took me a year to quit my job. I had many signs saying it was time. Life was falling through the cracks and me with it. But I couldn’t do it bc I was so scared of losing what I had – great hours right in […]

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Over the past several months the Lord has reminded me of the Israelites wandering through the desert. God had this amazing promised land for them – He told them repeatedly that He was taking them there, He was going to make them into a great nation! But when they got close to the land and […]

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Refine is 3! Refine started as a dream to help women in a way that was not available to them inside traditional systems. It had the side benefit of giving me freedom as a mom to set my own schedule & work as much or little as I wanted to. What I never imagined: having […]

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Sharing a bit of my heart, my daily life, and all things women's health.
